Arman Rezaee

Assistant Professor of Economics
University of California, Davis

Affiliates: CEGA | IDEAS Pakistan | IGCC | J-PAL

Official UCD webpage
Google Scholar profile

Publications - Peer-reviewed

Michael Callen, Saad Gulzar, Syed Ali Hasanain, Yasir Khan, and Arman Rezaee (Accepted). "Personalities and Public Sector Performance: Experimental Evidence from Pakistan," Economic Development and Cultural Change | NBER Working Paper 21180

Michael Callen, Saad Gulzar, Yasir Khan, Arman Rezaee, and Jacob Shapiro (Accepted). "Extending the Formal State: The Case of Pakistan’s Frontier Crimes Regulation," Economica. | PDF

Michael Callen, Saad Gulzar, Syed Ali Hasanain, Yasir Khan, and Arman Rezaee (2023). "The Political Economy of Public Sector Absence: Experimental Evidence from Pakistan," Journal of Public Economics. PDF | Published version | Coverage in VoxDev

Syed Ali Hasanain, Yasir Khan, and Arman Rezaee (2023). "No bulls: Asymmetric information in the market for artificial insemination in Pakistan," Journal of Development Economics. PDF | Published version | Coverage in VoxDev

Agha Ali Raza, Mustafa Naseem, Namoos Hayat Qasmi, Shan Randhawa, Fizzah Malik, Behzad Taimur, Sacha St-Onge Ahmad, Sarojini Hirshleifer, Arman Rezaee, Aditya Vashistha (2022). "Fostering Engagement of Underserved Communities with Credible Health Information on Social Media," The Web Conference (WWW 2022). Published version

Michael Callen, Saad Gulzar, Ali Hasnain, Yasir Khan, and Arman Rezaee (2020). "Data and Policy Decisions: Experimental Evidence from Pakistan." Journal of Development Economics. PDF | Published version

Michael Callen, Saad Gulzar, Arman Rezaee (2020). "Can Political Alignment be Costly?" Journal of Politics. PDF | Published version

Niall Keleher, Mary Claire Barela, Joshua Blumenstock, Cedric Festin, Matthew Podolsky, Arman Rezaee, Erin Troland, Kurtis Heimerl (2020). "Connecting Isolated Communities: Quantitative Evidence on the Adoption of Community Cellular Networks in the Philippines," Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development. Published version

Eli Berman, Michael Callen, Clark Gibson, James D. Long, Arman Rezaee (2019). "Election Fairness and Government Legitimacy in Afghanistan." Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. PDF | Published version

Publications - Books & book chapters

Madon T., Anderson R.J., Casaburi L., Lee K., Rezaee A., Gadgil A.J. (Eds.) (2023). "An Introduction to Development Engineering: A Framework with Applications from the Field." Springer. Published version (open access)

Eskici, B., Long, J., Nair, A., Rezaee, A. (2023). "Digital Governance." In "An Introduction to Development Engineering." Springer. Published version (open access)

Working Papers

"Forecasts: Consumption, Production, and Behavioral Responses," with Husnain Fateh, Matthew Gibson, Fatiq Nadeem, and Sanval Nasim. IZA Discussion Paper No. 15831 | CEGA WPS Paper No. 218 | Coverage in The Friday Times

"The spread of (mis)information: A social media experiment in Pakistan," with Sarojini Hirshleifer, Mustafa Naseem, and Agha Ali Raza. CEGA Working Paper 213 | UCIGCC Working Paper

Research in Progress

"Belief formation, signal quality, and information sources: Experimental evidence on air quality from Pakistan," with Matthew Gibson, Sanval Nasim, and Shotaro Nakamura. Funding from the International Growth Centre | Coverage in The Friday Times

"Employer beliefs, employee training, and labor market outcomes: A field experiment with small firms in Uganda," with Andy Brownback, Sarojini Hirshleifer, and Benjamin Kachero. Funding from CEGA/EASST, J-Pal Post Primary Education, PEDL (Exploratory), and PEDL (Major Research Grant)

"Impact evaluation of Super Abbu: a speech based MNCH platform in Pakistan," with Sarjini Hirshleifer, Mustafa Naseem, and Agha Ali Raza. Funding from the US National Institutes of Health

"The Impact of Mobile Phones: Experimental Evidence from the Random Assignment of New Cell Towers" with Joshua Blumenstock, Niall Keleher, and Erin Troland. Funding from the Development Impact Lab, the Gates Foundation, and USAID